Saturday, February 29, 2020

American Cultures Impact On The Media Cultural Studies Essay

American Cultures Impact On The Media Cultural Studies Essay None cultures are the same every nation has their own distinct and values. The American and American cultures have very vast differentiation between them. While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Bangladeshi culture is unique and has its own values and customs. One of the major differences that can be seen between American and Bangladeshi culture is in family relations. While the Bangladeshi are very much family and religious oriented, the Americans are individual oriented. In Bangladeshi culture, the family values are given more prominence than the individual values. Bangladeshi respect family and religious values. On the other hand, in American culture the individual value gets prominence than the family values. Indians are more committed to their family where as the Americans are more committed to themselves only (Difference Between, 2010). The United States is a dynamic country, covering the breadth of a continent. Many cultural currents exist and coe xist within American life. The sections that follow do not attempt to cover every aspect of American culture, but instead zero in on some phenomena, like television, films and American music, that newcomers can study in order to learn more about American life. American values have developed over several centuries, affecting (and often being enriched by) successive waves of immigrants. The best way to look at it is to realize that while Americans are often open to new ways of thinking, they have a deep culture, and a deep sense of being American, one that is not always that easy to describe (Life in the USA,2010). Bangladesh has a rich, diverse culture. Its deeply rooted heritage is thoroughly reflected in its architecture, dance, literature, music, painting and clothing. The three primary religions of Bangladesh (Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam) have had a great influence on its culture and history. The people of Bangladesh have a rich fictional legacy, with the first available form of literature being over a thousand years old. Bengali literature developed considerably during the medieval period with the rise of popular poets such as Chandi Das, Daulat Kazi an Alaol (, 2010). Although, local music is still popular in Bangladeshi culture, the younger generation is influenced by the western songs. Youth of America is inspired by American artists, movies, and musical bands are becoming more popular in Bangladesh. Coca Cola and Michael Jackson are popular now in Bangladesh. Fast food, a product of American culture, is available but only in major cities and hotels. Most of the people prefer local foods and deserts. Literacy rate in Bangladesh is high compared with other developing countries. For males, it is 54% and literacy rates among Bangladeshi women are 41.4% (CIA the World Factbook, 2010). Main Body Impact of American Culture on Bangladeshi Culture, Media, and Language Culture: Culture can be described as the exclusive system of shared values, cus toms, beliefs, artifacts, and behaviors that the society members use to confront with their world and also with one another. Moreover, they are transmitted from one generation to another through learning. Culture also refers to the overall cumulative deposit of experience, beliefs, knowledge, values, meanings, attitudes, hierarchies, notions of time, religion, spatial relations, themes of the universe, and possessions acquired by a specific group of people during generations through group and individual striving (Bhabha, 2004). Significant differences are found between cultures of Bangladesh and America. Bangladeshi culture is a sophisticated blend of eastern culture and Islamic traditions. American culture, on the other hand, is a typical example of westernization with distinctive traditions, customs, attitudes and beliefs. It is pertinent to mention that culture is dynamic in nature. Cultures do change over time accepting new traditions while rejecting older ones (refà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Bangladeshi culture is increasingly becoming influenced by American culture even though the rate of transformation is considerably low compared with other neighboring countries like India and Pakistan.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Northeren Ireland History Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Northeren Ireland History Coursework - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to discuss thoroughly the elements involved in the struggle for peace that the people of Northern Ireland find themselves involved in - both past and present. By examining the history of Northern Ireland, including the factors, obstacles, and pinnacle points involved, we can come to a clearer and more knowledgeable understanding on the subject matter. This is what will be dissertated in the following. I can learn many disadvantages faced by Catholics from the first paragraph through the learning that Catholics were a significant minority in regards to employment; only a mere 400 out of 10,000 workers in a Belfast shipyard were Catholic. This proves to be a significant disadvantage towards Catholics in the early 1960s considering that it seems as though they were given less employment opportunities. As well as facing disadvantages in city areas like Belfast, the second part of the source also shows other disadvantages faced in rural areas through another staggering statistic; although the population at the time in Fermanagh was over half Catholic, in regards to employment their position was still strikingly minor. Out of the Fermanagh City Council's 370 employees only 48 were Catholic, and out of 75 school bus drivers, only 7 were Catholic. In conclusion from this I can learn that although sometimes the Catholics were actually a majority in population, such as in the rural city of Fermanagh, they continued to make up only the minority in regards to employment. This shows us that they were treated unfairly, and were not given equal employment opportunities. How Useful are Sources B and C in Helping to Assess the Extent of Discrimination Against Catholics These two sources are significantly helpful in assessing the discrimination against Catholics, in that they show severe examples of the scrutiny and injustice that they faced. For example in source B, when Billy Sinclair, a former player-manager of Linfield, a football club in Northern Ireland, is making statements in 1984; he explained that if a Linfield soccer scout asked a player what school he went to and "if it's Saint something, then all of a sudden the boy's not good enough." This is a perfect example of the unfair discrimination the Catholics faced during that time period. In regards to source C, a similarly severe example is used, as it was described that Protestants are preferred during times of depression in preference to their fellow Catholics. This proves that people were not looked upon for their talent or humanity, but rather for whether they were Catholic or not, which is completely stereotypical and unjustified. How do Sources D, E, and F Help to Explain why Londonderry Became a Centre of the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland Londonderry, which is also commonly referred to as the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Social media essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social media - Essay Example This is a key aspect of networking as it allows the sharing of ideas and learnt concepts for the betterment of the society. Social networking has been demonstrated to overlap with academic life in that it creates an opportunity to generate events related to coursework. As such, various stakeholders get to meet and discuss different issues regarding in line with assignments while offering a first-hand interaction with instructors. This serves to revolutionize the learning experience by providing ample support systems in the education sector, which works to improve its quality. Other than keeping in touch with friends, making new ones, and sharing ideas, social networking sites serve as a source of entertainment especially with the integration of online gaming communities. Moreover, social media provides information on the latest occurrences in sports and showbiz through feeds to local news channels. The world’s economy is a significant beneficiary of social media owing to massive marketing strategies employed to capture the attention of users. Social networking in marketing allows organizations to cut back on their costs of advertising and reaching out to potential clients and even reaching new markets. This is because with a tight or non-existent budget whatsoever for marketing, an organization can wage an all-out war on marketing through social networks since it is mostly free. In addition, the rise of social media sites has seen potential employers tear through the sites in search of information on their potential employees. Search engine and social networking sites provide a cheap model for background research where funds can be saved while getting the work done. Social networks also create an efficient platform on which college graduates can market themselves through professional networks. In spite of the positive aspects of social media, lack of moderation often