Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obesity And The Brain How Convincing - 1154 Words

It has been many argument considering the food addiction and it effect on an individual health. Food is necessary for the life and our body need the nutrient to produce energy and do everyday activity. Since we are talking about food addiction and health problem in our society; the first thing come to the mind is the obesity problem that is big issue in our society. Some researchers pose the question about obesity and tried to figure out if the obesity is caused by the process of food addiction that is similar to the addiction to drug. The other nutrient that we see I every product or meal is sugar is an essential element for energy. Also sugar has a good test that people like. This sugar make the meals more delicious and make the†¦show more content†¦But in certain condition the higher amount of those nutrient may lead to and stimulation, excitement and sometime change of behavior. As an example for this view. The high sugar in food may keep the brain very enrich with gluco se which can lead to an excitement or high activity. The second view of the obesity addiction is the behavior that is seen in obese people. They overeat or can’t stop eating which lead to and obesity. This behavior resemble in the drug addiction, in a way that the person addicted to the drug cannot stop it because it cause a side effect that is not desirable for an individual. Even if this view seems similar for the food addiction model the result shows that the overlap is only partial. The second point that I want to discuss is the modeling food addiction on substance dependence. In the table 1 they compared the DSM-IV criteria for substance dependence and the proposed food addiction equivalent. Most of the element that they compared like tolerance, symptoms, social behavior, persistent desire, and others, did not show a convincing evidence to support that there is a food addiction. In other hand, this paper was based on food addiction for obese people we can’t assume I’s food addiction just because the individual is obese. They may be some people that eat more or prefer certain food that they eat regularly or more often but they are not obese. So we cannot just assume that obesity is caused by food

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